The Deebing Heights State School community welcomes you to our school. Our school takes great pride in working together towards our vision of:
- excellence in teaching
- excellence in learning
- excellence in partnerships.
Our school opened in 2016 with modern facilities and
furniture, but at the heart of what we do, are old fashioned values and high expectations regarding:
- safety (safe, supportive, inclusive, disciplined)
- respect (collaborative and supportive relationships)
- responsibility (leadership and accountability)
- learning (high quality, high equity, high improvement, and lifelong).
Our school is committed to achieving in the core
priorities of:
- attendance
- achievement (literacy, numeracy, English, Maths and Science)
- enrolment (maintaining and improving our market share)
- high standards of behaviour
- public perception.
The following shared beliefs and understandings
support our school to achieve our vision, enact our values and deliver performance outcomes in our core priority areas:
- All students can achieve high standards, given the right support at the right time.
- All teachers can teach to high standards, given the right assistance.
- Excellence is achieved through collaboration, not isolation.
Once again, I
look forward to working with staff, students and community to achieve the best
for our students!
Andrew McDonald