Opening hours
Our tuckshop is open three days a week, Monday, Wednesdays and Friday for both breaks.
How to order
Parents now have two ways to order tuckshop for their children:
- Order online via the QKR App
- Order Eftpos - please see the uniform shop to order before 9am.
Please Note: cash not accepted.
Orders must be placed by 7:45am on the morning of tuckshop.

Please view the current Tuckshop menu. (PDF, 176KB)
With the Tuckshop being open on Wednesdays and Fridays, we need parents to keep the Tuckshop running smoothly. We can accommodate most parents by having options of: once-a-term, monthly, fortnightly, weekly, a full day, a half day or even an hour. The children love to see their parents or grandparents working at the Tuckshop so please come along and help out if you can. You also get the opportunity to make some new friends in the school community. If you would like to volunteer, please email Cera at or call the administration (07) 3280 3222.