Our school is being delivered under a Public Private Partnership, overseen by Plenary Schools. It involves construction by Watpac Construction Pty Ltd and ongoing cleaning, grounds maintenance and facility maintenance by Delta FM Australia Pty Ltd. This model allows the school to focus on our main business of teaching and learning.
The design of the school delivers the opportunity for students to progress through the school grounds as they advance through their primary school. The earlier education years are arranged towards the front of the school grounds, whilst the latter years of education are arranged farthest from the school entry. Please refer to the site master plan (PDF, 2.4MB) for further details.
The school is arranged into the following functional zones throughout the school grounds:
- Public entry and interface - general and staff carparks, drop off zone, main entry.
- Core facilities - administration building, student support centre, resource centre, canteen, central amenities and central covered area.
- Community and sports - multi-purpose hall, sports oval, multi-purpose outdoor courts.
- Prep neighbourhood - prep general learning blocks, prep covered outdoor area and amenities, prep outdoor play area.
- Junior neighbourhood - Year 1 to 3 learning blocks and covered area, amenities block, outdoor play area.
- Senior neighbourhood - Year 4 to 6 learning blocks and covered outdoor area, amenities block, outdoor play area, design and technology lab, science lab, music centre.
- General services - student and staff bike rack enclosures, bus setdown, refuse and recycling enclosure, fire services.
Please refer to the site master plan below for further details (stage 1 dark shading, stage 2 white).